Smart Home Part 8: Nest Protect Install & Set Up | Todd Olthoff | Marriage & Relationship Advice, Devotional Writing, Technology Reviews/Tutorials
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Smart Home Part 8: Nest Protect Install & Set Up

In this screencast tutorial I cover the installation and set up the Nest Protect Smoke & CO2 Alarms. I show you what the initial unboxing and set up looks like and walk through the application, the types of alerts you get and how the Protects show up in HomeKit using Homebridge to get them to be connected to the HomeKit application.

This is a part of an ongoing series I am doing on setting up my smart home and working through the issues that come up with the installation and set up of devices that are not always designed to talk to one another. I will also be showing how to do some home automation once those devices are installed so watch for future screencasts outlining this.

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