Mavericks Server Part 32: DHCP Server | Todd Olthoff | Marriage & Relationship Advice, Devotional Writing, Technology Reviews/Tutorials
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Mavericks Server Part 32: DHCP Server

DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is the method most routers and servers use to assign IP addresses to devices on their networks. DHCP is how your computers and devices are connected to your network and how your router or server determines who is connected. OS X Server has a built in DHCP service that you can use to handle and assign those IP addresses to your client machines if you either don’t have a router that is doing that already or you prefer to have the server handle the IP addressing.

In this screencast, I cover how to set up the DHCP service in OS X Server. I cover pros and cons of using OS X Server's DHCP service as compared to a router. I also cover how to set up an Airport Extreme Base Station to work with server's DHCP service, walk you through all of the settings in the DHCP service, and cover how to set up static IP reservations for the clients on your network. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below or on my
Youtube Channel.