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Articles with Reprints |
Real Estate Return Distributions with New NCREIF Data Series Michael S. Young and Roger J. Brown. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 2022, forthcoming. |
Michael S. Young, Jeffrey D. Fisher, and Joseph D'Alessandro. Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2017, 25:1, 221-235. |
Jeffrey D. Fisher and Michael S. Young. NCREIF Research Corner, National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries, 2015, June, 1-9. |
Jeffrey D. Fisher and Michael S. Young. NCREIF Research Corner, National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries, 2015, January, 1-7. |
Michael S. Young and Roger J. Brown. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 2012, 18:1, 23-41. |
Roger J. Brown and Michael S. Young. Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 2011, 29:4/5, 479-493. |
Revisiting Non-Normal Real Estate Return Distributions by Property Type in the U.S. Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2008, 36:2, 233-248. |
Real-Time Valuation: Breathing New Life into Moribund DCF Modeling Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 2007, 10:1, 25-40. |
Serial Persistence in Individual Real Estate Returns in the U.K. Steven P. Devaney, Stephen L. Lee, and Michael S. Young. Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 2007, 25:3, 241-273.2008 "Highly Commended Award" from the Emerald Literati Network. |
Non-Normal Real Estate Return Distributions by Property Type in the U.K. Michael S. Young, Stephen L. Lee, and Steven P. Devaney. Journal of Property Research, June 2006, 23:2, 109-133. |
Making Sense of the NCREIF Property Index: A New Formulation Revisited Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 2005, 11:3, 211-223. |
Real Estate Performance Attribution: Pure Theory Meets Messy Reality Michael S. Young and Susan Annis. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2002, 23:1/2, 3-27.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented by a Practicing Real Estate Professional"
at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Institutional Property Tenure: Evidence from the NCREIF Database Jeffrey D. Fisher and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 2000, 6:4, 327-338.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented on Real Estate Investment / Portfolio Management"
at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Holding Periods for Institutional Real Estate in the NCREIF Database Jeffrey D. Fisher and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Finance, Fall 2000, 17:3, 27-34. |
REIT Property-Type Sector Integration Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2000, 18:1/2, 3-21.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented by a Practicing Real Estate Professional"
at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Vinod Chandrashekaran and Michael S. Young. March 2000, unpublished manuscript. |
Industry Concentration: The Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts Vinod Chandrashekaran and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Finance, Fall 1999, 16:3, 1-8. |
The Magnitude of Random Appraisal Error in Commercial Real Estate Valuation Richard A. Graff and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Research, 1999, 17:1/2, 33-54.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented on Real Estate Valuation"
at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Michael S. Young and Richard A. Graff. Real Estate Review, Winter 1999, 24:4, 57-62. |
Serial Persistence in Disaggregated Australian Real Estate Returns Richard A. Graff, Adrian Harrington, and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 1999, 5:2, 113-127. |
Michael S. Young. Institutional Real Estate Securities, April 1998, 3, 20-22. |
Serial Persistence in Equity REIT Returns Richard A. Graff and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Research, 1997, 14:3, 183-214.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented by a Practicing Real Estate Professional"
at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
The Shape of Australian Real Estate Return Distributions and Comparisons to the United States Richard A. Graff, Adrian Harrington, and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Research, 1997, 14:3, 291-308.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented on International Real Estate Investment / Portfolio Management"
at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Richard A. Graff and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Finance, Fall 1997, 14:3, 31-39. |
Apples to Oranges? The Capitalization versus Expensing Debate and Performance Return Comparisons Timothy W. Viezer and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Finance, Fall 1997, 14:3, 64-74. |
Richard A. Graff and Michael S. Young. Institutional Real Estate Securities, May 1997, 2, 19-22. |
Michael S. Young and Richard A. Graff. Real Estate Finance, Spring 1997, 14:1, 37-42. |
Understanding Equity Real Estate Performance: Insights from the NCREIF Property Index Michael S. Young, David M. Geltner, Willard McIntosh, and Douglas M. Poutasse. Real Estate Review, Winter 1996, 25:4, 4-16. |
Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 1996, 2:2, 169-174. |
Systematic Behavior in Real Estate Investment Risk: Performance Persistence in NCREIF Returns Michael S. Young and Richard A. Graff. Journal of Real Estate Research, 1996, 12:3, 369-381.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented on Real Estate Investment / Portfolio Management"
at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Real Estate Return Correlations: Real-World Limitations on Relationships Inferred from NCREIF Data Richard A. Graff and Michael S. Young. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, September 1996, 13:2, 121-142.Winner of Prize for "Best Paper Presented by a Practicing Real Estate Professional"
at the 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society. |
Webb Sowden and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Review, Summer 1996, 26:2, 7-13. |
Michael S. Young, David M. Geltner, Willard McIntosh, and Douglas M. Poutasse. Real Estate Finance, Summer 1995, 12:2, 19-30. |
Real Estate is Not Normal: A Fresh Look at Real Estate Return Distributions Michael S. Young and Richard A. Graff. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, May 1995, 10:3, 225-259. |
Donald A. King, Jr. and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Review, Summer 1994, 25:2, 6-12. |
Michael S. Young and D. Wylie Greig. Real Estate Review, Winter 1993, 22:4, 18-29. |
D. Wylie Greig and Michael S. Young. Real Estate Review, Spring 1991, 21:1, 17-25. |